Admission Procedures

Little Red Schoolhouse Enrollment


1. Acceptance Fee:

A: Upon acceptance of the spot, there is a $125 (non-refundable) fee assessed.
B: This is a one-time fee and is invoiced separately from tuition/registration.
C: This fee is due within 7 days of accepting the spot and receiving the invoice.

2. Enrollment Fee:

A: Upon your entry to Little Red, there is a $75 enrollment fee added to your first invoice. This will not negate the annual registration fee.
B: There will then be an annual registration fee of $75 that is applied each September.
C: This fee will be prorated quarterly from September forth, for those that enroll after September.

3. Paper Work:

A: Upon your enrollment, all paper work needs to be fully completed before or on your child’s start date.
B: The director of your program should encourage you to stop by sometime before the start date, ensuring that you have enough time to get the paperwork completed.
C: The forms include; registration forms, release forms, medical forms (that need to be taken to the doctor), informational forms, and a handbook.

4. Transition Period

A: We recommend that you come in with your child before he/she starts, spend some time getting to know the room, and spend time getting to know the teachers.

B: We also ask that the child transitions into the program by gradually adding hours to their schedule rather than leaving them all day right away.  An example would be; the first day dropping him/her off at 8:30 and picking him/her up at 12:30, the second day then, you may drop off at 9:30 and pick up at 3:00, and so on.

C: The child may be acting fine, and you may think you should leave him/her longer; however, keep in mind that you want to try to pick up while the child is happy which will entice them to want to come back the next time, rather than waiting until he/she is sad or having a hard time which may turn them away from wanting to come.

5. Tuition:

A: Tuition is emailed to you around the 27th of the month for the following month. Please let us know if you don’t receive your statement, and make sure you give us your correct email address.

B: Tuition is due on the 1st of every month and is considered late after the 15th; If your tuition is late, you will be charged an additional $50.00 fee thereafter.

C: We cannot reimburse you for Holidays that we are closed or vacation days you choose to take, as we have already considered that when determining monthly costs.

D: If we are closed due to a snow day or for an emergency, your day will not be financially reimbursed. We will, instead, offer a “free” drop-in day to compensate for the inconvenience.

6. Drop-in Days:

A: As a “perk” here at LRSH, we offer drop-in days. You must be fully enrolled in the program before requesting drop-in days.

B: The cost is $50, payable in cash or check and due the morning of the drop-in.

C: Drop-in days are NOT guaranteed.  This is because of many different factors including if another child is out for the day and there is enough staffing.

D: We ask you to please respect the directors when asking for a drop-in day, in that they will put you on the waitlist; however, they may not know until the day of.

7. Volunteer Time:

A: We require 1 hour of volunteer time per month; or at least $15 of materials purchased off one of our “wish-lists”. Your directors should let you know where the wish lists are located upon your enrollment.

B: If volunteer time is not completed by the date in which tuition is placed into folders, you will be charged a $40 fee.

C: It is also important to remember to write your volunteer work down in your classroom’s designated book in the “parent resource” area.